Namerica's champion swimmer gertrude ederle audio books

Her father tied a rope around her waist, put her in a lake, and told her to swim like a dog. Her father taught her to swim and she soon mastered the dog paddle. America s girl is an intimate look at the life and trials of gertrude ederle. Gertude ederle by david adler celebrate to do something in special honor of a special person or day continued kept up. After winning three olympic gold medals, gertrude trudy ederle went on to become the first woman.

Gertrude ederle first learned to swim in 19 when she was seven years. Trudy ederle loved to swim, and she was determined to be the best. At seventeen trudy won three medals at the 1924 olympics in paris. Trudy learned to swim after a nearly fatal incident when she fell into a pond and nearly drowned. Americas champion swimmer, gertrude ederle is a picture book for k4. This book name is geetude ederleby terry widener, this book is talking about a girl. Read and comprehend its a story from the reading street book for the students at grade 3 to learn them how did gertrude ederle surprise the world. Gertrude ederle listen to americas champion swimmer. The incredible story of how swimmer gertrude ederle changed the nation tim dahlberg, mary ederle ward, brenda greene on. Terry wideners work has been featured in esquire, harpers, sports illustrated, and on the cover of time. For her first lesson, he tied one end of a rope to trudys waist and held on to the other end.

This book tells the story of how she learned how to swim because she almost drowned. Title of a book, article or other published item this will display to the public. It is a beautiful tale about trudy and how she was the first woman to swim the english channel. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. David adler has written more than a hundred books, including lou gehrig. Americas champion swimmer book chicago public library. I read and comprehend its a story from the reading street book for the students at grade 3 to learn them how did gertrude ederle.